Hidden pillbox along Chancery Lane

By Joy Loh

There is a less known surviving pillbox in Singapore, who would have guessed that there is a hidden pillbox in Chancery Lane. We found some pictures of this pillbox online and decided to pay it a visit. As the location was not published, we took a drive around the area to see if we could spot it. Surprisingly, we found the WWII installation fairly easily…

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Caldecott Hills Estate

By Ang K C.

On our regular ‘walk-about’ visits to various neighbourhoods in Moulmein, we often wondered about the history of these places. Sometimes, we would hear snippets of stories about the places we visit and the people associated with them. Such was the case when we recently visited the Caldecott Hill Estate and heard about how the various streets are named after a certain Andrew Caldecott and his family members. Who was this Andrew Caldecott…

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